Graduating our new timeline design

Arrow pointing forward
Photo by Nik / Unsplash

We recently reached an important milestone here at Timetoast timelines. We are now serving up our new and improved timeline design as default on all platforms.

This means that we are now retiring the old timeline design from the website.

Mobile users, as well as desktop users without the Flash Player installed, will not notice much difference, they have been battle-testing the new design for a while.

If you previously visited the site with the Flash Player installed, you would have been greeted by the timeline that has been with us in one way or another since day 1 — that's almost 9 years ago for those counting.

It has served us well, especially in a pre-HTML5 world where the Flash Player enabled us to do things that were simply not possible with HTML.

If you had embedded the old timeline, don't worry. We will continue to support it for quite some time before phasing it out.

I'm sure you'll all love the fresh and crispy design of our newly graduated timelines and I look forward to seeing all the great timeline content that will be created for it in the future.